Pick-up Lines in Spanish

January 7, 2022

Are you trying to catch the attention of that special someone with some pick-up lines in Spanish? This is Madame Zazú, and welcome again to your favorite evening show: Talking with Madame Zazú!

*Mystical music, esoteric imagery and sheer curtains open wide, showing the kind-eyed sensation and mystic, Madame Zazú, to the viewers on the other side of the TV.*

"Welcome, m’ijos, to Talking with Mme. Zazú! May the stars and archangels bless you from above! Recently, I’ve been receiving many messages on my official Instagram page from my beloved fans asking me to help them gain the attention of their special someone in Spanish! These are mostly Spanish students who need some extra help to express their feelings instantly! How sweet! Sadly, I can’t answer all of you individually on my Instagram page, but I’ll gladly answer some DMs I recently received, and with the power of Venus, I'll make a special prayer for your love life!"

A disclaimer appears at the bottom of the screen:
*** “The views and opinions expressed in this show are those of Madame Zazú and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of Channel 4.” ***

Hot Pick-up Lines in Spanish

Here's the first DM I'd like to address.

"Hello, Madame Zazú. My name is Charles Hewitt. I'm about to graduate with my Bachelor's soon, and I'm considering taking my Master's in Bilbao next year, and hopefully, settling there. I've been to Spain before and, gosh, the Spanish ladies are so...guapas! Can you please share some tips on getting started with the ladies, and some sexy pick-up lines that can help me get some of the attention I want? Thank you in advance!"

Oh, so sweet! Congratulations on your studies, Charlie! If you want to take the first step in Spanish, you can always take inspiration from some telenovelas - the characters express their love quite often! And you can find some basic Spanish pick-up lines and love phrases there! Take this scene as an example.

This scene summarizes it all: "te amo" is the universal way to express "I love you" in Spanish, but since it can be so cliché, you can try some deeper expressions.

For example, if you noticed, the scene mentioned the following lines:

  • Este amor que te tengo = This love that I have towards you.
  • Sentir algo por mí = To feel something towards me.
  • Un error confesarte mis sentimientos = A mistake to confess my feelings to you.

In Spanish, we use the words "tener" (to have), "sentir" (to feel) and "confesar" (to confess) a lot, especially in dramas, along with the direct object pronouns - "me", "te", "le", "se" - because we're directing our feelings to a specific person. So I recommend you start with some basic sentences, such as:

  • Te tengo mucha admiración = I admire you so much (literally: I've got so much admiration towards you).
  • Siento algo por ti = I feel something towards you.
  • Quiero confesarte mis sentimientos. = I want to confess my feelings to you.

Play with these sentences, and personalize them as you see fit. I assure you these will impress any Spanish lady!

As for your other request... indeed, there are some flirty phrases you can use. However, I recommend you to use these with caution. Hot Spanish pick-up lines can be either funny or cringe worthy, especially if you tell them to complete strangers. Now, if you need a witty pick-up line, I can think of...

shallow photography of man hugging woman outdoors

¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajito? = What's a star doing flying so low?

Si tus ojos fueran el cielo y tu boca el mar, me gustaría ser el horizonte para poderte besar. = If your eyes were the sky and your mouth the sea, I'd like to be the horizon so that I can give you a kiss.

Si de verdad Cupido existiera, quizás yo te hubiera herido de muerte, de tantas flechas que para ti, yo le pedí. = If Cupid really existed, perhaps I would have mortally wounded you, from so many arrows that I asked him to shoot at you.

Si la belleza fuera delito, yo te hubiera sentenciado a cadena perpetua. = If beauty were a crime, I would've sentenced you to a life term.

Ojalá la mitad de las estrellas del cielo brillaran tanto como tus ojos. = I wish half the stars in the sky shone as bright as your eyes.

Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno. = If kissing you were a sin, I'd walk happily through hell.

¿Por qué el cielo está nublado? Porque todo el azul está en tus ojos. = Why is the sky cloudy? Because all the blue is in your eyes.

Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar todos los días un diamante como tú. = I wish I were a jeweler so that I could appreciate a diamond like you every day.

Perdona, ¿tienes un mapa? Creo que me he perdido en tus ojos. = Excuse me, do you have a map? I think I got lost in your eyes.

Camina por la sombra, bombón. = Walk in the shade, honey.

¡Tantas curvas y yo sin frenos! = So many curves and I got no brakes!

Te quiero para Navidad, preciosa. = I want you for Christmas, babe.

Eres tan linda que las estrellas fugaces, al verte pasar, piden un deseo al cielo. = You're so beautiful that, when shooting stars see you, they make a wish to the sky.

Me gustaría ser lente de contacto, para que no pudieras sacarme tu mirada. = I wish I were a contact lens, so that you wouldn't take your gaze off me.

¿Me puedes usar como cobija? Para estar sobre ti toda la noche. = Can you use me as a blanket? To lie on you all night long.

Del mar a las estrellas, es un largo camino desde aquí con tal de demostrar lo mucho que te quiero día a día. = From the sea to the stars, it's a long way from here to show how much I love you day by day.

Perdí mi número de teléfono, ¿me das el tuyo? = I lost my phone number, can I have yours?

Oye, estás como Santa Bárbara: santa por delante y bárbara por detrás. = Hey, you're like Saint Barbara: saintly in front and a barbarian in the back. ("Bárbaro" in Spanish can mean "amazing," such as with this example).

Por ti te daría todo lo que tengo. Si no lo tengo, te lo busco, y si no existe, te lo invento. = I'd give you everything I have. If I don't have it, I'll find it for you, and if it doesn't exist, I'll make it happen.

Soy nuevo aquí, ¿me dices cómo llegar a tu casa? = I'm new here, can you tell me how to get to your house?

Si el sol no brillara, lo haría tu corazón. = If the sun didn't shine, your heart would.

Tú eres la estrella más bonita que ha encontrado el catalejo de mi corazón. = You are the most beautiful star that the spyglass in my heart has found.

¿Crees en el amor a primera vista o tengo que volver a pasar delante de ti? = Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk past again?

¿Ya almorzaste o te invito a cenar? = Have you had lunch yet, or can I take you out to dinner?

Aunque no te llames Alicia, sé que vienes del país de las maravillas. = Even if your name isn't Alice, I know you' re from Wonderland.

¿Me dejas tomarte una foto para demostrarle a mis amigos que los ángeles existen? = Would you let me take a picture of you to show my friends that angels do exist?

Si el agua fuese belleza, tú serías el océano entero. = If water were beauty, you'd be the whole ocean.

¿Hace calor aquí, o eres tú? = Is it hot, or is it you?

Si estás así de verde, ¡cómo estarás de madura! = If you look like this while you're still green, I wonder how you'll look once you're ripe!

Si lo bonito fuera pecado, tú no tendrías perdón de Dios. = If beauty were sin, God wouldn't forgive you.

¿Te conozco? Porque te pareces mucho a mi próxima novia. = Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next girlfriend.

Si por amarte pierdo la entrada al cielo, no me importa: estoy dispuesto a ir al infierno por ti. = If by loving you I lose my ticket to heaven, I don't care: I'm willing to go to hell for you.

What do you think of these Spanish pick-up lines? I hope they help you, my dear Charlie, wherever you are! May the power of Venus bless you in your journey in Spain!

Short Pick-up Lines in Spanish

 Here's another sweet DM! Let's read it together!

"Hello, Madame Zazú. I'm Adam, and I'm a big fan of your show. I've learned so much about my zodiac thanks to you and I love how accurate your predictions are. The reason I'm sending you this message is that there's a cute Mexican girl at my workplace that I like a lot, and I want to express my feelings to her in Spanish (she's still learning English). Can you please help me with some short, easy-to-remember Spanish pick-up lines? I'm learning Spanish, but I'm still a beginner and I can't remember long sentences, sorry..."

Aww, qué bonito! Sure, Adam, dear, I'll gladly help you out! If you're watching this right now, then pay attention. 

First of all, don't stress yourself so much if you're still a beginner! Second, Spanish pick-up lines are only fun when you're 100% confident about what you're saying, but if you're still struggling, you need to start from scratch! Let me share with you some quick footage that explains it better.

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.

M’ijos, avoid cheesy pick-up lines if you don’t know what you’re doing. And begin by constructing smaller, simpler compliments first.

Begin by saying “qué…” and add a nice adjective to what you like, such as their smile or their eyes. “Qué…” is essentially the Spanish “What a…”. For example:

  •                   Qué sonrisa tan linda tienes = What a pretty/cute smile you've got.
  •                   Qué tierna eres = What a sweetie (person) you are.
  •                   Qué ojos tan hermosos = Those are beautiful eyes.

Also begin by stating what you like about them, using “me gusta”, “me encanta” or, if you want to tell your feelings outright, “amo”. For example:

  •                   Me gusta tu vestido = I like your dress.
  •                   Me encanta tu forma de ser = I adore the way you are.
  •                   Amo tu sonrisa = I love your smile.

Finally, never underestimate the power of a simple compliment! Just say “eres” or, if you want the focus to be on their physical appearance, “estás”, and that’s good enough!

  •                   Eres muy bonita = You’re very pretty.
  •                   Eres muy simpática = You’re very funny.
  •                   Estás muy bonita = You look very pretty.
  •                   Eres tan bonita = You’re so pretty.
  •                   Tus ojos están muy bonitos = Your eyes are very pretty (physically).

See how easy and charming these phrases are? 

Spanish pick-up lines can be super sweet and funny with people you know, but always begin with simple, sincere phrases. They’re easier to handle and they show your true colors right away. Don’t try to impress with complex Spanish, ok?

woman hugging man while sitting inside train

Pick-up Lines in Spanish for Men

One last DM! This one is from a girl! Let's check it out!

"Hi, Madame Zazú. My name's Cynthia. This is a strange request, but can you please help me flirt with a boy I like? Right now I'm working as a volunteer in an NGO in Peru, and this guy is really sweet and handsome, but his English... sucks. So I hope that, with some Spanish pick-up lines, he might finally understand my feelings. I'd be so happy if you can help me next time on your show!

Oh, m’ija! I understand your struggle! Boys can be so dense sometimes! But indeed, boys like being flirted with as much as girls! Let me show you some testimonials.

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.

Latinos are used to finding any excuse to approach someone, strike up a conversation, and take it from there. However, because you know each other already, you can tell him all the attributes you like about him. For example:

  •                   Tienes unos ojos hermosos = You have beautiful eyes.
  •                   Tienes una hermosa forma de ser = You have a beautiful way of being.
  •                   Tienes muy buena figura = You have a very nice figure.

Or you can compare his best assets to things he’d like to hear!

  •                   Eres como un león = You’re like a lion.
  •                   Eres como un príncipe = You’re like a prince.
  •                   Eres tan guapo como Brad Pitt = You’re as handsome as Brad Pitt.
  •                   Eres tan dulce como el chocolate = You’re as sweet as chocolate.

Or, if you're feeling especially bold, try this pick-up line:

Eres como el café, ¡porque estás caliente, bueno y fuerte! = You're like coffee because you're hot, tasty, and strong!

Eventually, the boy will understand you’re trying to flirt with him, and once your Spanish improves, you might be able to fully express your feelings in much greater detail. Just keep practicing and never give up on love!

Hand appearing beneath the curtain. Red curtain.


Time’s up, m’ijos! I hope you enjoyed tonight’s show! Please, don’t give up on love, and keep polishing your Spanish to get the attention you want! I wish you a good night and I send you all the love and blessings from the constellations, Venus, and the archangels!

                  Adiós y bonita noche.

*Mystical music and esoteric images as the mystic curtain closes, and the show ends*

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Valerie Rodarte

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