Produced by
Maria Correas
# 1881
84 / 100

C1 — Advanced Level

1 teaching points
1 lesson vocab

The impact of technology on the future of healthcare

English (US)  
Spanish (ES)
01 min 02 sec
How can technology help our health? This very short advert gives us some clues. Its tone is positive and hopeful, and it ends with a prompt for us to work together for a better future. That last line uses the formula "let's", a very common structure to persuade people to do something you want them to do, but also include yourself in the action. This makes it sound more empathetic and positive. Can you think of any situations where you would be using "let's" to convince your family or friends? Don't forget to show this video to your friends so you can practice together by discussing it.

72 Unique Words   (107 total)

A1 Andy coordinating conjunction
A1 Thelos determiner
A1 topara adposition
A1 wenosotros pronoun
B1 futurefuturo noun
A2 iteso pronoun
B2 thatese determiner
A1 technologytecnología noun
B1 likeigual que adposition
A1 aa determiner
{{ word.cefr }}
{{ word.t }} — {{ }} {{ word.p }}

60% beginner   26% intermediate   3% advanced   11% undetermined  
¿Qué aspecto tiene volver a imaginar lo que es posible y cambiar la forma en que pensamos sobre la tecnología de atención sanitaria?
Tiene el aspecto del futuro, un futuro en el que podemos realizar ensayos clínicos
y desarrollar nuevas terapias desde cualquier lugar para poder brindar la atención adecuada en todas partes,
y donde los médicos y los pacientes están empoderados para tomar decisiones más seguras, con una tecnología que conduce a unos resultados más inteligentes.
Es un futuro que facilita la innovación y la colaboración a una escala sin precedentes
y organiza personas, conocimientos y tecnología para redefinir lo que es posible
a medida que convertimos nuestros nuevos (procedimientos) ordinarios en extraordinarios.
El futuro de la atención sanitaria es ahora.
Explorémoslo juntos.
What does it look like to reimagine the possible and change the way that we think about cuidado de la salud technology?
It looks like the future, a future where we can conduct clinical trials
and develop new therapies from anywhere so we can deliver the right care everywhere,
and where physicians and patients are empowered to make more confident decisions, with technology that leads to smarter outcomes.
It's a future that facilitates innovation and collaboration on an unprecedented scale
and orchestrates people, insights and technology to redefine what's possible
as we turn our new ordinary into the extraordinary.
The future of cuidado de la salud is now.
Let's explore it together.
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