Top 9 German Youtubers to Follow – Learning German While Procrastinating

April 7, 2022

Remember when staring at your phone was discouraged in class? Well, those days are over! Today, language learning is impossible without the Internet, movies, and YouTube. Your elderly German school teacher would never agree, but that's how it is. Textbooks, grammar guides, and even fiction in the original language aren't enough to learn German culture.

Isn’t it hilarious that watching comedy videos, interviews, and games while sipping coffee or gulping beer is a perfect way to master the German language? There's a virtually unlimited number of free German language channels. It’s up to you whether to mindlessly consume video content or learn real German that you can use various social situations.

Today, our German language instructor Birgit and Alex, her student learning German, are exploring the world of German YouTubers. Grab a piece of paper – you’ll want to make a list.

Welcome to Our Chillin’ Class

- Hallo, Alex! Welcome to the best German-language class ever!

- Morgen, Birgit! What a promising greeting! What’s gonna be so special about it?

- First of all, our lessons are always special…

- Debatable... and second of all?

- ... we'll be watching German YouTube videos today.

- Are you kidding?

- Nope. More so, I’m encouraging you to grab a non-alcoholic mojito.

- Birgit, we’ve been through this… Whiskey on the rocks, please.

- Whatever sets you in the mood for languages.

- Aren't you gonna torture me with German articles and subjunctive?

- Nope!

- Not even conjugation?

- Not even that.

- Hmm, something's fishy.

- I told you! Let's cover top German vloggers who'll help you:

  • dive into the German language intricacies while enjoying fun videos
  • learn cooking, gaming, and politics while memorizing useful German phrases
  • have a hearty laugh the German way while effortlessly drilling your listening skills

- This sounds like a lot.

- Not at all, Herr Doubtfire.

- Lamest pun ever.

Whom to Follow to Become Germanized?

- There are loads of vloggers. Everyone wants to become a world celebrity and stand in the spotlight.

- Please, don't ever use the word "Germanized" again.

- Can't make any promises.

- Oh, but you could, though...

- For fame seekers, getting on the Internet is the most obvious path. They do Spanish lessons, music videos, food tutorials, gaming secrets, entertaining news, and life hacks of all sorts - you name it.

- And then we, mere mortals, try to find our way through this pool of rubbish to spot a decent channel.

- That’s why I’m coming to the rescue with some German gems. Searching for good video lessons can be a nightmare. But I did my research to find and list the top German YouTube channels for language learners:

1. Cari & Janusz from Easy German

- I cite at least one of their videos every lesson, so you should know these guys and their friends. Cari and Janusz walk around the streets of Berlin and do interviews with people on various topics: from pronunciation matters and grammar issues to cultural references and romantic affairs.

- They’re my myth busters.

- How come?

- You know, I won't binge-watch German grammar videos, but I love the ones where they ruin stereotypes about German habits.

- In this case, you'll love this episode.

- And subtitles - that's what we, the viewers, need in all German YouTube channel videos.

Example #1 – Warum lieben die Deutschen Regeln?

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here. Wir fragen mal die Deutschen, warum sie die Regeln so sehr lieben, ob sie die Regeln überhaupt lieben und, ja, wir schauen mal, was die Leute antworten. 00:34 - 00:43


- Heh, die Deustchen lieben Regeln, fahren aber trotzdem 20 Kilometer schneller, als auf den Straßenschield steht.

- That’s a perfect way to explain how German rules work.

2. Sherin from My German Short Stories

- This is a German YouTuber I always recommend to students. Sherin makes fantastic short story videos, typically for level B1/B2.

-Wow! This is quite a popular YouTube channel.

- And for a very good reason! She has a great teaching approach, where some subtitles are translated into English and embedded into her videos.

- Yeah. That's a lot of effort.

- Anything to make people like you become motivated.

- You know what motivates me most.

- Dare I ask?

- Being able to flirt in German.

- Should have seen that one coming. What about some important topics, like To Buy Second-Hand?

- Hmm... Ein Schätzchen does sound like a good pick-up word.

- It's Schnäpchen - a bargain, not Schätzchen - little treasure.

- Oh... Saved me from an awkward moment with a girl.

Example #2Warum sollen wir gebrauchte Sachen kaufen?

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.
Damit konnte ich bisher einen ganzen Batzen Geld sparen. 04:11 - 04:16

- What I love about this channel so far is how slowly she speaks. The first German person I can follow.

- That’s because…

- I’m a slowpoke?

- …because you’re just starting your language journey... is what I was going to say.

3. Slow German mit Annik Ruben

- By the way, here’s another slow speaker for brilliant students like you.

- Oh, Birgit, stop it. You'll make me blush.

- Right, Herr Shy.

- Annik covers all kinds of stories: from politics to homosexuality and lifestyle. Her speech pace and use of colloquial words are what every learner is looking for. Plus, Annik offers subtitles, which is a great way to pause her videos and note down some vocabulary.

- How's that fun?

- About as much fun as your sarcastic comments. Watch this Wetter & Klima video instead – it’ll help you with small talk in Germany.

- What kind of girl will fall for that, Birgit?

- Ein schöner Tag! Die Sonne scheint. Doesn't it sound poetic?

- I think you misspelled "corny". What a creative pick-up line...

Example #3 - Wetter und Klima in Deutschland

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.
Vielleicht ziehen auch dunkle Wolken auf. 02:23 - 02:28

4. Michaela from Fröhlich Deutsch

-If you had to name one thing that’s most challenging for you in German, what would it be?

- Easy – Aussprache.

- I knew it.

- You hear it for sure.

- On her YouTube channel, Michaela teaches you how to pronounce German words correctly and does it entertainingly.

- I don't think "entertainingly" is a word.

- You didn't think "germanized" was a word...

- Urgh, gross!

Example #4Aussprache, bitte!

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.
Wir machen eine neue Runde "Aussprache, bitte!" 00:27. - 00:30

- Lehrer-Lehre, Lehrer-Lehre. Like music to my ears.

- I'm happy you enjoy the sound of German.

- Sarcasm alert, Birgit!

- Oh... Just when I thought Michaela's videos convinced you German was pretty.

- Du bist mein Schätzchen, Birgit!

- Thank God it's not a Schnäpchen this time.

FAQ: Who is the biggest YouTuber in Germany?

Judging by the number of subscribers, it is HaerteTest: 19.9M followers. This channel features numerous experimental videos.

What if I can't watch videos in German yet?

- If dealing with videos in German is too difficult, you can follow YouTubers who combine English and German.

- Langweiling.

- Just what one needs at level A1/A2. If you’re skeptical, check out one of these brilliant Germans teaching grammar and vocabulary in their funny videos:

  • Herr Antirm – "the" channel for perfect German grammar, and for a good reason: this man has over 800 videos and free recommendations on how to travel your German language learning journey.
  • German with Eva – a perfect German crash course with a rather formal approach - it's best for those who like a classroom strategy and German-like structure.
  • Get Germanized – a course that emerged as a mixture of entertainment and learning, built around biases about English and German, it draws parallels between the languages and answers key questions about German history and culture.

FAQ: Who are the best German YouTubers?

The top Five German YouTubers are Paluten (4.4M), Galileo (3.16M), JP Performance (2.21M), MrWissen2go (1.87M), and Phil Laude (1.1M).

Guilty Pleasure YouTubers

- I don’t know about you, Alex, but I’m the queen of procrastination.

- High-five, Birgit. I’m your King.

- How do you procrastinate?

- YouTube, mostly. Also, jigsaw puzzles.

- We’re a great team.

- I thought we made that clear a long time ago.

- Right. So, I love following vloggers who don’t really, how to say it...

- ... don’t bring value to your life?

- Exactly. It’s like spying on them, having a bit of voyeuristic pleasure on the web…

- I know exactly what you mean.

-Well, that’s my schuldbewusster Genuss.

- Guilty pleasure?

- Yeah.

- Mine is whiskey on the rocks, food, and...

- ... German?

- Girls. German girls.

- Sharp, as always.

- Okay-okay. Share the German YouTubers so I can join you on a spy spree on my Friday nights.

1. Life to Go by Daniel & Jessica

- Understanding German YouTubers who produce content for native speakers is quite a challenge. Thus, you kinda compensate for procrastination by learning a bulk of useful phrases.

- That’s a fantastic excuse.

- Dan & Jessica have this great vlog style. I’ve been following them for a couple of years now. They travel around the world, and I feel like I’m traveling with them.

- For free, from the comfort of your home in Europe.

- Isn't this wise?

- That’s the German way, I guess.

- Wir sind ein bischen sparsam. Das stimmt. But we love traveling, for the record.

- Hmm, ok.

- Check one of their videos and enjoy a true aesthetic feast:

Example #5Thailand

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here. Die Messe ist in verschiedene Teile des Landes aufgeteilt, und zwar Nord, Süd, Ost, West und das Zentrum. 01:32 - 01:37

2. Sally’s Welt and the best food blog out there

- Do you like cooking?

- I love eating.

- Then check Sallys Welt to see how you can cook so you'll enjoy eating.

- You're not tricking me, Birgit.

- Well, you’re the one who constantly rambles about impressing girls with your culinary talents. Why not follow this lady and unveil your hidden skills?

- Keep talking.

- I better give you an example of what she does with food.

Example #6 – Chocolate chip cookies

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here. Deswegen ziehe ich sie mal ganz behutsam vom Blech herunter mit dem Backpapier und lass sie komplett abkühlen. 03:49 - 03:55

- Technically, you can no longer call it procrastination if you learn German + make cookies + acquire a skill to pick up ladies.

- It's a win-win! Except I don't get to procrastinate...

Phil Laude – the best laugh you’ll ever have

- Not in the mood for cooking or traveling? What about a good old laugh?

- I hate stand-up comedy, Birgit.

- Me too. This here is a sharp, biting video format, though. Irony, sarcasm, great punchlines.

- Sounds like a marketing crash course.

- In a way. And a free one!

- Well, you’ve sold me this YouTuber. And the name is….

- Drum roll…

- What a curious name...

- No, "drum roll" is not the name!

- Then why did you say it was?

- Urgh... Never mind. Phil Laude. The name is Phil Laude.

- Oh, I know his channel. Why didn't you just say that right away?

- I was going to. He’s a giant YouTuber. This video mocking Insta couples is my absolute favorite.

Example #7Jedes insta-couple immer

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here. Jetzt reiß dich bitte mal zusammen und konzentrier dich, okay? 03:22 - 03:25

- They're hilarious. Where do I find a girl with this sense of self-irony?

- I don't know. On the internet?

- Right. Because we all know how smart Tinder ladies tend to be.

- Try a bingo parlor, then.

4. ZDF Heute-Show4 - the least boring politics

- Do you like political news?

- No.

- Great! You’ll love this political channel, then.

- How come?

- Because it’s so much different from anything political you've ever seen.

- Intriguing.

- How would you describe politics?

- Just three words: dull, hypocritical, moronic.

- Alex?

- Are we censored? Politicians are morons, Birgit.

- Hmm... Ok. How would I describe this political show? Fun, straightforward, and light.

- Your words, not mine.

- Check it out yourself, then. The presenters will give you an insightful view on what’s going on in the world right now. Their comments are ironic, bitterly honest, and presented humorously which lets you unwind.

- I can’t take it at face value.

- Do some research using this episode.

Example #8 - Was ist der EU im Ukraine-Krieg wichtiger? 

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here. Da sind plötzlich Sachen möglich, die man bis neulich nicht für möglich gehalten hätte. 04:49 - 04:54

In brief - yes, it is. Approximately 47 million people in Germany access the platform. 98% of them use this website at least once a month and 47% log in daily. This high demand for YouTube content explains the popularity of German YouTubers.

Do You Still Have Some Time Left?

- If you still have some valuable procrastination time left after you’ve checked the previous German YouTube channels…

- That must be a joke… You know how important procrastinating is for me.

- Well, if you don’t bake every single cake Sally suggests…

- ... and if I decide to give up on sleep for the sake of learning German…

- Yes, if all of those "ifs" are met, here's my list of more YouTubers:

  • Paluten – this crazy guy will blow your mind with his gaming tutorials. I mean, did you even know there’s a virtual version of a Flixbus ride with you as a driver? The very idea of a gaming channel where you watch a guy playing games may seem silly. Yet, you learn great colloquial vocabulary from videos like his.
  • JP Performance – a real gem for car lovers, this channel takes you on a virtual test drive in every vehicle you can dream of. And where else would you learn all this car vocabulary in German?
  • Paola Maria – fashion, beauty, lifestyle, and family vlogger, she gives you a sneak peek into every aspect of her life. It's an everything-and-nothing-specific kind of page that introduces a German learner to the culture and everyday life of a German person.
  • Psychologeek – a very serious, deep, and eye-opening vlog by a psychologist. In each video, she discusses a pressing societal topic or a human emotion and shares expert life hacks and tips on how to stay mentally sane in the modern world.

- I’ll start with that psychology lady. I just hit the roof when I deal with German.

- Oh, she actually has a great video on how to stay motivated while learning:

Example #9 - Tipps für besseres Lernen und Motivation

Watch this video with our built-in transcripts, translations, and dictionary here.
Mach dir auf jeden Fall Musik an. 00:23 - 00:26

FAQ: What is the best YouTube channel to learn German?

Get Germanized is considered the most successful YouTube channel created to learn German. It's been around for over 12 years, making it one of the oldest and most reputable for learners of all levels.

Does YouTube Teach Grammar?

- If you’re interested in whether you learn grammar while enjoying YouTube videos...

- I'm not…

- Well, you should be.

- Dagi Bee.

- Are you subscribed to Dagi Bee?

- Please don't tell anyone.

- Well, Dagi Bee is a German channel. Whatever her content, you improve grammar while watching her life adventures. You polish articles, adjectives, pronouns, subjunctive, and verb conjugation.

- Even if I don’t note anything down?

- Yes! Although I always recommend taking an extra step and writing down useful phrases, you do remember stuff subconsciously. The more you listen to native speakers, the more you internalize their grammar.

Stay Motivated and Watch German YouTubers

There are loads of ways to learn a foreign language. Watching entertaining videos to boost your German skills is perhaps the most rewarding endeavor. YouTube is the tool you shouldn’t ignore in this context. It is one of the most authentic sources of real, live language. Unlike movies, it doesn't undergo censorship and too much polishing. YouTubers offer you the language that you hear out in the world, in the streets of Berlin and Vienna. They open for you the door of real German houses and show the problems of typical German families.

You get to improve your listening skills, pronunciation, and grammar as you enjoy German videos, and you expand your cultural knowledge along the way. Birgit doesn't think learning languages has to be boring. She knows the tricks that keep her student Alex motivated. If you also lack motivation, join them for future lessons and follow Flying Languages for the video materials they share.

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